Ben Szymanski

Software Engineer • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ & 🐊

It seems like every day I open Instagram, the editors over at Bloomberg are hyperventilating about how the workforce absolutely must RTO. I'm not exactly sure if this is a paid-by-article kind of arrangement, if it is, it must be a profitable arrangement.

The cities will be fine. Yes, they will change, but they will not expire. It will likely be painful for the building owners, but I don't think urban cores returning to everything Jane Jacobs held dear needs to be lamented. A shift back from single-use zoning and to the return of buildings built to human scale, street life, charm... all of it, wouldn't nearly be the loss that the ~~propaganda pushers~~ concerned news media think it'll be.

It's not like the money just disappears from the economy. It's now being spread around to a greater variety of cities/towns, leveling the playing field and spawning a return to localism. That anyone would think this process is a bad thing seems extremely shortsighted or has newspapers to sell.

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