Ben Szymanski

Software Engineer • šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø & šŸŠ

One thing Iā€™ve been thinking about lately is what Iā€™m going to do with my music collectionā€¦ or rather, how Iā€™m going to essentially deal with iTunes turning into Apple Music which is literally a client for Apple Music (the service).

I sort of don't trust that the new Music app is going to be all that great for managing an actual collection of local files in the near future. And then thereā€™s the future of the Mac itselfā€¦ what if I need or want to jump ship to another platform?

I have about 100 GBs of ALAC files that I ripped from CD's I bought from various goodwills around Connecticut. I have a pretty big box of all of them siting in storage right now.

Iā€™m aiming for something platform independent and that can be served from a linux box, which in my case, is an Intel NUC with a 1 TB SSD in it. I donā€™t envision this as being a daily player, but something that I can use to browse through a store of my ALAC tracks on a local linux server.

In a matter of a few hours today, I created a potential concept using the Twisted Python framework and have it working. Essentially it's an application server that does an os.scandir() on a particular directory and generates dynamic lists of albums and tracks.

This approach works though I think itā€™s not AT ALL secure and could never be run on a server connected to the public internet. Instead, I may end up reworking this and creating essentially a static site generator (also likely in Python) that does a os.scandir() on a specific directory, then generates an entire static site of your audio files, organized in master/detail (album/track).

Here's today's attempt.

screenshot of music archive generator output

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